Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I’m not at all perfect (yet … hehe …). With that said I’ll admittedly say that sometimes I find it such a chore, reminding myself where I come from and what I believe in, what I’ve chosen to practice, especially on days like this when something seemingly unexpected comes along and challenges everything I know and have come to know.

I’ve got to really try hard and remind myself that THIS (motions, with hands, signifying everything, all-encompassing) is indeed what I wanted, what I asked for. And that’s true, I know this, but I can’t seem to explain why it is I vibrate at such a low frequency sometimes. Eventually I remember, though. When I re-open myself to Source, when I re-open myself up to my Self, I remember with such a sweet simplicity that it seems almost absurd to have forgotten in the first place.


As I have come to understand it within the context of manifesting my intentions and utilizing the Law of Attraction, contrast is a good thing. It's good to know what you don't want, but definitely wiser to move past that knowledge once recognized and not dwell. Instead, give thanks to that contrast, to that vast infinity of differences in our shared reality, for it is only through contrast that we are truly able to identify that which we do want in our reality, thus making our desires that much more specific. It is indeed this specificity which makes it easier for the Universe to hear and deliver that which we request. We know that X is not what we want, and so, we focus on Y instead.

Naturally this recognition does not come without practice and refinement, without the occasional low-frequency day in which we find ourselves asking “Why do I seem to attract things into my reality that I do not want?” And though the answer is sometimes not readily available to us as we ask that question, I’ve found that it’s extremely important to always revert back to the analytical minds we were all blessed with.

-Take note of yourself and what you are feeling.
-Recognize it.
-Accept it.
-Accept the catalyst that elicited your subsequent thoughts and emotions.
-Most importantly give a big, fat THANK YOU to it, for it will inevitably lead you to thoughts of what it is you do want.

These thoughts will be good and they will feel good. These are our beautiful desires in the process of fruition. I like to think of the “Unwanted Thoughts” as seeds that are full of potential, potential that we have the ability to shape and direct. It’s only right to say thank you to the very thing that lead you to what you wanted.

I may be reaching some sort of redundancy with this, but when is gratitude, appreciation and love ever redundant? (Hint: Never!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Motions in Being Still

Worked with Antoinette tonight. Always profound experience working with her. Reason? Chosen to make every experience with her a profound one. Said Michael really valued and appreciated hanging out at hookah bar last week … really good change from his usual scene. Feel good about this, feel grateful to share experience in which someone feels and thinks on another level. Monetary help becomes redundant. Speaking of which -saw parents last night on way back from Hollywood with the boys. Felt good. Feel good that I felt good. Didn’t feel grief -maybe letting go is valuable (gasp!). Maybe letting go, being still, is truest form of mobility.

At aforementioned hookah bar now, reminding self that today I will practice non-judgment. Difficult. Spent majority of life making snap judgments about people, then writing about them. Difficult. Easy to recognize difficulty. Trying.

Two guys sit diagonally across from me. Make me think about this. Interaction with fairly attractive girl sitting next to them elicits thought(s). Side glances to one another in response to things fairly attractive girl is saying. Also a blog by a friend posted tonight. His interaction with a (drunk, drugged up?) girl and his subsequent analysis about said interaction. Assumptions, crude jokes. Judgment. Pretty wonderful reflection, though, to provide contrast for practice. What of it? Reflection. Is all.

Time. Takes much of it to unlearn things taught by parents. By schools. The media. But unraveling? Absolutely beautiful motions, revolutions, faces and places, send me spinning into next day. Don’t even notice. Best way to pass Time. All we have is It. Technically we created It. Time to ignore It. Time to let It go.

(seemingly)Tangential Sidenote: purchased iPod Touch while back. Best electronic investment in a while. Great for music production (Four Track, Voxie Recorder, etc). Downloaded Gratitude Journal application immediately after purchase. Today’s journal looks like:

Five Things You’re Grateful For

1. Antoinette’s friendship, guidance and wisdom.
2. Michael’s friendship and openness.
3. The music apps I downloaded today.
4. My charging dock received from UPS today.
5. Public transportation.

Seemingly simple, holds much value. Short lists drip with gratitude. Need napkin sometimes when re-read. Tuesday, beautiful, spilling over into am blues of midweek, ambient sounds of relaxation playing in background … from iPod Touch … from speakers of new charging dock.

Thank You, Source -we live in abundance.
