I’ve been absent from this blog for a significant amount of time, I know, and I do apologize for the brief hiatus. Certain priorities involving my application to a teaching credential program arose within the past few weeks. However those things have been taken care of and I am indeed grateful that you are all still checking-in on this lil’ ol’ blog o’mine!
Lately I've been on this Mind-As-Direct-Reflection-of-the-Universe kick, among other things. In my reality, and I'm certain in countless others, the Law of Attraction seems to function under the assumption that both my mind and the Universe are directly connected, acting as one, my mind being a manifested form (manifested into matter, that is) of the larger consciousness that is the Universe.
A mouthful, indeed, but absolutely fascinating to contemplate.
I’ve always considered the mind to be as infinite as the Universe, and thus as powerful as the Universe, capable of both the most beautiful creations and destructions. Its been proven that the thought processes we engage in everyday are in fact creative, the basis for the Law of Attraction, in that our thoughts create things, namely our reality. Every thought activates some sort of change, acting as the primary catalyst for the changing nature of your specific reality. I find this notion perfectly summed-up in the following phrase:
“That which we project we reflect.”
Recently I’ve been receiving a lot of reflections reminding me to let source energy (or, if your prefer, God/Godhead/the Tao/the unified energy field, etc) flow back into my life.
Yesterday afternoon I was listening to Esther and Jerry Hicks on my iPod, their “Ask and It Is Given” audio book (Part I, I believe), re-familiarizing myself with the Teachings of Abraham and basic principles of manifesting one’s intentions. It felt good to get back to that energy, and right there on the bus I wrote an intention. I affirmed to myself that I am source energy, that I am a creative being, and that my mind and spirituality are indeed the source of my reality, simultaneously telling myself that I will invite all things that resonate with my being, my core. It’s empowering to the degree that I feel positive about what I’m affirming, and when I go about my day with that mentality, resonating with that specific vibration that makes me feel good, the most wonderful synchronicities are reflected back.
As I wrote this intention a very specific image flooded my mind. It was of my co-worker and this one particular night shift when she had brought in Esther and Jerry Hicks’ “Ask and It Is Given” cards, with illustrations and text from their book. It was during the time that I was barely being introduced to the Law of Attraction by my brother. Throughout the shift I kept picking cards out at random, in awe of the absolute sense the words were making. The memory left as quickly as it came. When I finally arrived at work she said, “I brought you a scone upstairs and these.” It was the same deck of cards she had brought in before. She said she hadn’t been able to utilize them as well as she would have liked to so she decided to give them to me. In the end I was grateful that I was able to open myself up to source again, not pinching off its inevitable flow, and almost immediately my intention came into fruition.
In the next few blogs I would like to share these wonderful cards with you and the context of their meaning in my reality, and subsequently your reality, with the hope that our roles as co-creators help us manifest more beauty, love and consciousness in our shared reality.
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